
V-Day: Valentine’s Day, Vagina Day, Vulva Day, a day for women.

Valentine’s Day (February 14) was once just a celebration of romantic love. But, after the evolution of feminism and gynocentrism, V-Day has become much more than romance; it is, more importantly, a day for women and female happiness. In the new gynocentric society, V-Day has expanded beyond romantic love to include the celebration of female pleasure and female worship.

Couples still celebrate the day together, but now there is usually much more than a romantic night out; it is a day for sensuality and sexuality, focused almost entirely on female pleasure.

Much like a traditional Valentine’s Day, a couple might venture out for an evening together. But their experience will be profoundly feminine and very gynocentric.

Tonight, on V-Day, a husband and wife are out for a night of feminism, female power, and female supremacy together.


The couple steps out of the taxi and stands before an impressively elegant restaurant. They look up at the sign above the entrance: “Discrimination”, a hint of refinement and an expectation of quality, but also a statement of purpose and a suggestion of retribution.

The wife is excited. She’s heard a lot about this exciting new restaurant from colleagues and friends. She’ll be treated like a queen tonight. Her husband is apprehensive; he doesn’t know exactly what to expect for the evening. The two smile at each other. He holds the door open for her, and they enter the unexpectedly quiet interior.

It’s V-Day, one of the busiest restaurant days of the year, but inside there is a peaceful vibe. No line of waiting restaurant customers, no loud babble of conversations, no busy room full of tables. Just a smiling hostess to greet them, and a single hallway leading away directly behind her.

The hostess gestures them forward. Dressed like a queen, she radiates her authority and beauty in a way that is both enticing and intimidating. She is a woman who provokes lust and demands reverence at the same time. A sensual confidence radiates from her posture, like a goddess who knows the power of her sexuality.

The couple follow her beauty through a full dining room of half naked people, like an erotic dinner party, then into a hallway at the back, then down branching passageways, left then right, past rooms, and closed doors, each a dinner party, or a couple enjoying a private meal to themselves.

Finally, they reach their own private dining room. Inside is a warmly-lit space, displaying drapery and art with an elegant ambience. In the center of the room is a beautifully-set table for two, with a candle burning a romantic, beckoning flame. At one end of the table is a comfortable armchair, regal with its cushions and padding and its immense sensuality. At the other end is a very plain, masculine, wooden chair. They enter, and the hostess smiles warmly as she helps each of them off with their coats, and then carefully hangs them up in a closet.

The hostess guides the wife into the regal chair, and takes the time to ensure she has settled comfortably like a goddess on her pillows. The husband waits, watching, and then the hostess motions that he may take his own seat in the uncomfortable wooden chair.

She explains to the couple that the restaurant, the food, the servers, their time together is designed only for female pleasure. The menu for each of them will be different, just like the entire experience for each of them will be different. It is the inequality that is the fundamental objective here.

She asks them if there’s anything they need before the server arrives. They both shake their heads no: they are overwhelmed by the simple beauty of the room and the spectacle of the inequality.

Exiting through a side door, she leaves the couple alone for a moment. The wife smiles with amusement at her husband; she’s going to enjoy the evening here. The husband nervously looks at his wife, wondering what kind of inequality is in store for him tonight.

Through the side door, the hostess returns, gently holding one end of a short leash. The other end is attached to a collar around the neck of a male server. He is naked, except for his collar and leash. Young, muscled, and manscaped, he is a beautiful sight for the wife: he will be a perfect slave for a goddess-queen.

After a short introduction of their nude server, the hostess wishes the couple a wonderful evening and a final instruction with an amusing smile: “Enjoy the inequality.” She unhooks the server’s leash, and after a stinging smack of his naked ass, she walks out through the side door, taking the leash with her.

The nudity of this collared male is only awkward for a moment; the wife quickly begins to enjoy the naked man before her. Her husband can only watch with a growing understanding that tonight will be completely about his wife’s pleasure.

The server explains to the couple that he will be their private server for the entire evening; but he indicates that he will always focus on her pleasure: anything she desires he will attempt to make possible (within reason; he winks at her). Their server is a very submissive male, ready to be a slave to feminine authority and to serve any woman like a queen.

He gathers two menus from a sideboard and presents one to each of them. On the husband’s menu, he has basic but tasty choices, but nothing too interesting. The wife, glancing down at her menu, has all the intriguing choices.

With his half-erect cock dangling before the wife, the server explains her menu in detail, watching her eyes switch from the menu to his growing cock and back several times. The husband receives no explanation; he is left to choose his meal on his own.

After ordering their meals and drinks, the server leaves the room for a moment. The couple talk quietly about their perceptions and expectations for their evening. Though anxious for different reasons, they are both intrigued and looking forward to their experience together.

The nude server returns with their drinks. The couple watches him as he struts into the room, his hard cock swinging gently from side-to-side. Displaying his servitude to the wife, he serves her first, carefully placing her glass of chardonnay before her. Holding the husband’s drink on his tray, the server patiently waits for her to give her approval. After a sip of her deep golden liquid, she grins playfully at her husband and then nods to indicate that he can be served his expensive glass of mineral water.

For the rest of the evening, the server and wife talk and flirt playfully while the husband is mostly ignored. It is a night of gender inequality and a night of female dominance. It is a night of amusement and pleasure for her, and a learning experience for him. He watches his wife flaunt her feminine authority and enjoy her power over masculinity. He is both humiliated and educated. His wife is becoming very comfortable with her dominance and his submission.

At the end of an evening of sexual playfulness and gender discrimination, her sexuality and arousal are deeply entangled with her femininity and power, like a goddess of love and passion. Her pussy is wet; she is ready to go home with her husband. She is ready to spend some romantic time alone with her understanding husband. She wants her pussy worshiped by her submissive husband, like all women expect of their partners on a day devoted to vaginas, vulvas, and women. V-Day: for all women, a day to worship and celebrate femininity. V for Feminine. 

Happy V-Day! ♡