
V-Day: Valentine’s Day, Vagina Day, Vulva Day, a day for women.

Valentine’s Day (February 14) was once just a celebration of romantic love. But, after the evolution of feminism and gynocentrism, V-Day has become much more than romance; it is, more importantly, a day for women and female happiness. In the new gynocentric society, V-Day has expanded beyond romantic love to include the celebration of female pleasure and female worship.

Couples still celebrate the day together, but now there is usually much more than a romantic night out; it is a day for sensuality and sexuality, focused almost entirely on female pleasure.

Much like a traditional Valentine’s Day, a couple might venture out for an evening together. But their experience will be profoundly feminine and very gynocentric.

Tonight, on V-Day, a husband and wife are out for a night of feminism, female power, and female supremacy together.

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Declaration of Female Freedom

We the people of a female future are in the midst of a feminist revolution.

the future is female conference

We know that women and feminism are transforming the progress of civilization. We know that, in our past, women have almost never been thought equal to men. We know that women have been oppressed by patriarchal rule through most of human history. We know that women should never have been repressed, suppressed, subjugated, persecuted, intimidated, inhibited, restrained, constrained, censored, discouraged, or disparaged. We know that women deserve better; we know that humanity would be served better. We know that a modern civilization must allow for full gender diversity and gender equality. We know that, over time, the complete and unconditional freedom of women will create a counterbalancing influence in society, complementary to masculinity. We know that, with female freedom, femininity will become powerful and influential. We know that, with liberated femininity, the expression, participation, and representation of a diversity of genders will create a more advanced culture of progress. We know that, for femininity to be liberated, women must be allowed the same influence in society that masculinity has always had.

We understand that masculinity must be restricted while femininity be allowed to expand and prosper unhindered.

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The Scene

The scene from a female future:

Women had had enough. Protestations had turned to protests; and the world changed. From now on, the future is female-led.

Misogyny and patriarchy have been deep-rooted in society for centuries, for millennia, forever. Women asked for equality. Men never relinquished power. Women struggled: every step, every woman, everywhere.

And now, after women’s marches and protests, feminist anger led to feminist power. There is a new world and a new future of female power.

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