Declaration of Female Freedom

We the people of a female future are in the midst of a feminist revolution.

the future is female conference

We know that women and feminism are transforming the progress of civilization. We know that, in our past, women have almost never been thought equal to men. We know that women have been oppressed by patriarchal rule through most of human history. We know that women should never have been repressed, suppressed, subjugated, persecuted, intimidated, inhibited, restrained, constrained, censored, discouraged, or disparaged. We know that women deserve better; we know that humanity would be served better. We know that a modern civilization must allow for full gender diversity and gender equality. We know that, over time, the complete and unconditional freedom of women will create a counterbalancing influence in society, complementary to masculinity. We know that, with female freedom, femininity will become powerful and influential. We know that, with liberated femininity, the expression, participation, and representation of a diversity of genders will create a more advanced culture of progress. We know that, for femininity to be liberated, women must be allowed the same influence in society that masculinity has always had.

We understand that masculinity must be restricted while femininity be allowed to expand and prosper unhindered.


We believe that gynocentrism will be beneficial to humanity. We believe that, to compensate and atone for the inhumanity of the patriarchal societies of the past, women should, now and for the foreseeable future, have greater freedom than men. We believe that femininity must become more important than masculinity. We believe that the happiness and pleasure of women must be more important than that of men.

We believe that female freedom must include women’s sexual freedom. We believe that women should be free to express their sexuality without the oppression of patriarchy and the limitations of masculinity. We believe in the evolution of peace through pleasure. We believe that peace, progress, and a more advanced civilization will be possible only when the liberation of female sexuality and pleasure is universal.

We know that the liberation of society begins with the liberation of women, and the evolution of humanity begins with a feminist revolution.

7 thoughts on “Declaration of Female Freedom

  1. Women are the stronger sex. This is evident where they are the majority in higher education and they will increase their numbers in the domain of politics and the corporate world. They will even surpass men in the sciences and technical fields as well in the long run.

    Men could only dominate women in the physically-driven societies of the past. Patriarchy was really a temporary placeholder on humanity’s evolution towards the female led future.

    How can men cope and adapt in a female society? By using whatever talent and energy they have to become useful to women.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. At the moment, many men are afraid of women’s power and control. That isn’t surprising considering the bitterness and rage so many women rightly feel about the way men have treated them. Six thousand years of patriarchy have done a number on all of us. But the truth is that emasculating and feminizing men simply returns us to our true nature – what we inherited in our mitochondrial DNA from mothers stretching back to the origins of humanity. It’s a fundamentally feminine world! As Plutarch put it in his dialogue on love, ‘what is so dreadful about a woman piloting the life of a man? She will be beneficial because of her superior intelligence’. The fact is, our male XXY chromosomes are incomplete; we can only function at our best under the wisdom, guidance and control of women. It’s happening anyway brothers; the dawning of Female supremacy is a return to the true Natural Order. When we relax into it and learn to support, serve and worship women, we find our greatest personal happiness and fulfill our highest spiritual purpose. Women are the Female Divine in warm human flesh and blood.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, woman are superior. I’m a guy and Iacknowledge the truth. Men should set aside their foolish egos and accept the coming female control of so

    ciety. Female dominice is the natural order of things and has been suppressed for far too long. I accept and support female control of society. We will all be far better off when women are in charge of everything. Women’s time has come. It’s a women’s world now . Men should know their place. The future is female!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Despite a couple naysayers a Female future will happen. We can see in politics how men have really screwed things up with their greed, their desire for power, their attempt to subjugate women, but that all will change. We are about to have our first Female president and that’s only the beginning. It’s time for change!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are sick. Useless. Some guy pervert doing fap behind it. There is no female fut. Female are all going to be killed and destroyed very soon, at least within this century. Man rule the world. Man have power. Oil. Field. Industries. Not female. Female are useless. All you write is pure fantasy.


  6. : “We understand that masculinity must be restricted while femininity be allowed to expand and prosper unhindered.

    We believe that gynocentrism will be beneficial to humanity. We believe that, to compensate and atone for the inhumanity of the patriarchal societies of the past, women should, now and for the foreseeable future, have greater freedom than men. We believe that femininity must become more important than masculinity. We believe that the happiness and pleasure of women must be more important than that of men.”

    In essence this is totally true. However it may need some clarification (of course only as correctly devised by Females.) As Women come into unassailable control and power in society, as is Their nature all and more of the restrictions falsely placed upon Them must by default be the natural burden of the true inferior male underling sex. Yet it shall be shown to be the same such hideous farce as was in false patriarchy, but more rather the perfected correction and objective of how the two sexes are created.


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